Zion International Kindergarten School Instructions
1Parents are requested to pay the fee before 20th of first month of each quarter.
2Complains / legitimate grievances if any should be addressed to the principal.
3Parents are requested to send only the required quantity of lunch to their child’s need.
- 4Students should carry two napkins, a spoon and a water bottle duly labeled along with their lunch.
5Do not send your child to school if he or she is suffering from any infectious disease.
- 6Parents are expected to go through the hand book carefully and sign the hand book daily.
7Child should be potty trained. Wetting or soiling in school can affect his / her attitude and confidence. .
8It is compulsory to send a spare dress in the child’s bag.
9All kindergarten classes have full time care takers, who assist the teacher with classroom management and other selected duties.
10Occasionally a child may bring home something that belong to the classroom environment. Please do not regard this as stealing.
Explain to the child that the object is needed at school and encourage them to return it the next day.