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Rules and Regulations of Zion International School


  1. 1Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence, habitual late coming, leaving the school premises without permission, disobedience and any type of unruly and objectionable behaviour.
  2. 2Writing, scratching, engraving graffiti, drawing and splashing ink or defacing the school walls, furniture and property.
  3. 3Gluing stickers and posters of any kind on the school property.
  4. 4Use of foul and unparliamentary language.
  5. 5Neglect of Homework, disobedience and disrespectful towards members of staff or bad moral influence.
  6. 6Reource to use of unfair means during examinations.
  7. 7Making noise, talking loudly, shouting, jeering, hacking, booing, name calling, making cat calls, hissing, mocking and whistling, at any time. .
  8. 8Participating in any incident of bullying and ragging.
  9. 9Being in restricted areas, ground, empty class rooms, secluded areas, behind buildings (when class is on and without permission.)
  10. 10Collecting money, contribution and donation without written permission of the Principal.


No parent or student shall give misleading facts/opinions or any blog(s) to website, social media channel(s) about the school, any teacher or student. If they are defamatory in nature or deemed to be so by the Internal Review Committee, it would be considered as a serious breach of Code of Conduct.