Zion International Primary School Instructions
1Check your child’s hand book every day. Teacher’s remarks should be noted and signed.
2Enquire about your child’s progress at least once in a month.
3Use of foul language is forbidden inside the school campus. Any student, if found using such language, will be punished.
- 4Parents should seek permission at the office to meet a student or staff for a genuine reason.
5Parents are requested to pay the fee before 20th of first month of each quarter.
- 6Parents are requested to maintain a separate file / diary for their wards for academic follow-up.
7Parents are requested to return any object the child brings from the school that does not belong to him / her. .
8Parents / Guardians are requested to respond to the calls from the school positively.
9Partial leave (half day leave) is not allowed.
10Parents should strictly avoid taking their children away from school during school hours for flimsy reason.
Parents should encourage their children to be present on the re-opening day of each term and participate in all school functions.
11Students are allowed to converse only in English inside school campus except in language classes.
12Students are bound by the rules and regulations laid by the school.
13Boys should have close cut hair style. Girls should not have streaked hair and fancy hair style. Hair should be plaited. Girls are not to sport painted nails or mehandi.
14Students cannot organize parties or go picnics or any outing on their own. Any such activity will result in the immediate rustication of the students involved.
15Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without prior permission from the head of the institution.